Friday, January 11, 2013


Alhamdulillah baru sahaja mendownload mobile blogspot. Xperlu susah2 nak cari masa untuk update blog lagi.
Dunia di hujung jari.
World is that small afterall.

I just want to share my drawing here. Hehe although it lil' bit ugly, what i care~ it's the message that is important right?

The picture is at the bottom as you can see...

I'm sure you are not understand what the picture wants to tell you.
Because it is really ugly right?
Just guess.

Hmm not really sure?
I'll tell you.
It is about "mujahadah".
Don't be tired to fight.
Because there will be a day you will be succeed.
Rest assure.

That's all.
Till next post.hihihi

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